Gosh, managed to survive my observation by Mdm Ng. My class was so well-behaved that even I was taken aback. They really can be angels if they want to. Glory to God. I'm sure it was His blessings upon me. He never fails to help me whenever I asked.
In the evening, I found out there was a fight among my pupils. Mr Cheng wants me to get the parents of the involved party to come down to school. Same pupils who refuses to submit any ofl their homework.
How can I help them? I've been very patient and have been giving them chances after chances. I fear they may end up in EM3. Maybe I aren't the right teacher to help them....
If only I could be like Jesus. Thousands come before His feet to learn God's word. (story when the fish and bread were shared) If my pupils have a choice I think they rather play computer games than to hear me speak. Perhap they would be playing "maple"??... what is that game??
By the way, Sat is Sabri's birthday. I drew him a card on behalf of the PE department and got the teachers to sign. I also gave him a converse waist pouch. Adeline bake Him a cake and someone also bought him a cake which he so kindly left a piece on my table. Great working with this super dude. He never fails to get all the logistics I need for our department projects.
My brother just returned home from Hong Kong for a job interview. He would be flying back to HK on Sunday again. Hope he come shome end of the year for good. He has been away for so long. Mummy misses him alot. By the way, we played scrabble... at midnight... all our brain juices are dried up!